Karin Pommersheim

Welcome to our homepage and thank you for your interest in our practice.  As the founder of Praxis Pommersheim I practice as a psychotherapist in the healthcare system of the city of Cologne since 2012. From the very beginning of my work as a psychotherapist I also wanted to make use of my very good English language skills and offer psychotherapy to the English speaking community of Cologne.


Currently I am also very happy to be able to welcome my colleague Sophia Adolph (M.Sc.) as part of the practice team. Besides offering psychotherapy to English and German speaking clients, Ms. Adolph also speaks fluent Dutch. 


Born in Arad/Romania in 1970 I spent the longest period of my life in Frankfurt am Main. Initially, due to my love for the English language, I trained as a language correspondent for English and French and worked in organizational and marketing departments of global corporations – the latest being the marketing department for a large German bank.

Karin Pommersheim

After deciding for a career change, I did my university studies in Psychology at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main and moved to Cologne in 2008.


Here is where I trained as a cognitive behavioral therapist and received my license from the Bezirksregierung Köln.


I take great pride in being one of only a few licensed psychotherapists in Cologne who offer sessions in English.